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Previous winners of the AAU Pedagogy Price

Previous winners of the AAU Pedagogy Price

2022: Postdoc Peter Niklas Andreas Andersen

At the annual Learning Day 2022, the winner of the AAU Pedagogy Prize 2022 was announced. The winner was Postdoc Niklas Andreas Andersen.

In this video, you can meet Niklas Andreas Andersen and hear more about his approach to teaching.

Supervision as a partnership for higher order learning

At the annual Learning Day 2022. The winner of the AAU Pedagogy Prize 2022 was announced. The winner was Postdoc Niklas Andreas Andersen.

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Supervision as a partnership for higher order learning

At the annual Learning Day 2022. The winner of the AAU Pedagogy Prize 2022 was announced. The winner was Postdoc Niklas Andreas Andersen.